Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Christmas Swap at JCCF

One of my FAVORITE groups on Ravelry is JCCF. It's a great group of ladies who knit and crochet afghan blocks to make blankets for injured rodeo cowboys and cowgirls in conjunction with Justin boots Cowboy Crisis Fund.
In October we began discussing a soap/washcloth swap (If you've never participated in a swap, I HIGHLY recommend it). Being the swap junkie that I am, I committed immediately! As November grew close and we would soon begin the process of questions of preferences for the swap (things like favorite colors, scents, treats and various other goodies we would receive in our swap package) it happened. I came home from work and my hubby informed me our old computer had crashed. It had no power. None. What-so-ever.
I did NOT want to miss a swap. I had to figure out a way to participate even WITHOUT a computer. I contacted Wendy. She happened to be the only person I had a hard copy address for. That's mostly because she is the one we send our blocks to.......She's the one who sews them all into BEAUTIFUL blankets.
Long story short......Wendy got me in contact with my swap partner Jennifer. Through a series of text messages Jennifer and I were able to  complete our swap packages. Here's what I sent to Jennifer:

A knit washcloth, scrubby mitt, vanilla & honey soap, a sock ornament with lip balm, a ball of yarn ornament, a tin with knit labels, M & M's and a magnetic list pad.
Then, here's what Jennifer sent me (and, I have to say, I LOVE this package!):

A crocheted cloth (nice work Jennifer!), SEVERAL types of soaps, a massage bar, peppermints, lotion and the CUTEST little knit Santa ornament you've ever seen. Which, now that I look at the picture, is not there for some reason. I can fix that though.........

Not the best picture, but, isn't he adorable? Anyway, thank you, thank you , thank you Jennifer! Also, a big thank-you to Wendy for your help in this swap!

In conclusion......a couple pieces of advice. Join a swap & maybe jot down your addresses in something old fashioned like an address book. Just in case something happens to your computer!

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