Thursday, July 26, 2012

Crocheting (or Knitting) Through the Olympics

As a way to promote knitting/crocheting while watching the Olympics. Ravelry created the Ravellenic Challenge. Well, it's now less than 24 hours away from the opening ceremonies (and the mass cast-on). So, I've lined up the projects I HOPE to complete in the 2 weeks while watching the Olympics.
Here they are:

Homespun Granny Afghan

I haven't worked on this for almost 2 years now. I grew so-o-o-o-o-o-o bored with it! I REALLY want to finish it! I'm hoping the Ravellenic challenge will push me to complete it. It's my number 1 goal.

BUT......I also lined up a few other projects. In case I finish this faster than I think (or more likely, get sick of working on it).  A few blocks (3 to be exact) for my favorite charity JCCF. Two pink ones for our annual "pink blanket" to be raffled to raise funds for breast cancer awareness. As well as one for our "regular" blankets to go to injured rodeo cowboys and cowgirls. These are the patterns I've chosen. Freedom and Ribbons of Courage. case I need a little knitting. I found this SIMPLE knit cowl called 3 hour cowl. I enjoy making cowls and this looks like a quick knit. I've got a bunch of Bulky yarn I need to use up and wouldn't these make FABULOUS Christmas gifts?

That's my plan.........I'll let you know how it goes!

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