Friday, April 6, 2012

Windowsill Herb Garden

Still had snow showers yesterday. It's supposed to be sunny by the weekend, though. I've decided a small windowsill garden of herbs would be a nice addition. Fresh herbs are such a fantastic thing to have when cooking and since I LOVE growing things.......Well, that's obvious, right?

I bought this growing tray with growing media. It's long and narrow. It won't take up much space on my windowsill. That's important since I have VERY limited space in my kitchen.

I let the growing media soak up warm water overnight (about 1.5 quarts).

I chose a couple of seed packets of my favorite herbs (I'll add more later).

Gently pressed the seeds BARELY into the growing media.

Put the lid on the growing tray. Placed the tray in a sunny, south window (along with my radish sprouts and green onions). Now, I just keep the soil moistened and wait.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I just found your blog through the 2012BAMCAL group. What a great idea to start a little garden on your windowsill, it will be lovely to get quick access to those herbs even if it's pouring with rain outside!
